7 Ways You Can Increase Sales with Video Content Marketing

7 Ways You Can Increase Sales with Video Content Marketing


79 percent of consumers now feel that video is the most effective way to learn about a company online. According to the same study, nearly three-quarters of customers (74%) can make a direct link between watching a video on social media and making a purchase choice. In fact, nearly half of customers (46%) indicated they've made a purchase as a result of watching a brand video on social media, with another third (32%) saying they've considered it.

A terrific custom-made video combines a compelling tale and characters, as well as amazing animation. All of this, together with the use of appropriate colors and a focus on the intended audience, results in a human connection.

1. CAT tool

A strong call-to-action in the video will encourage your viewers to complete a conversion. Customers won't be able to take any further action after watching a video without a CTA.

1. Add CAT tool in the video.jpg

Add CAT tool in the video

More conversions will result from a video that is accompanied by a CTA and a marketing message on your website. If viewers enjoy your explainer video, they are more likely to click on the CTA, which will send them to a specific web page and urge them to take action. After all, a call to action is an effective lead generation technique.

2. Youtube 

2. Create your YouTube account.jpg

Create your YouTube account

YouTube is, without a doubt, the most popular video platform on the planet. According to the most recent statistics, 70% of viewers purchased from a brand after seeing it on YouTube. YouTube is a lucrative possibility because it allows you to get your brand in front of millions of people.

3. Adding videos to your email list 

3. Explanation video in email marketing.png

Explainer video in email marketing

Although it may appear to be outdated, email marketing is still very effective for businesses. Including an explanation film in your email list improves its effectiveness and engagement with potential customers. Rather than reading about your product or service in an email, your customers would prefer to watch a movie about it.

4. Upload videos to your social media profiles

We're all aware of the power that social media marketing possesses. Videos on social media are 1,200 percent more likely to be reshared than text and image content, according to Wordstream. A compelling video is essential for effective brand promotion. It's all about being creative on social media. A social media animated explainer film creatively introduces a company or product. Furthermore, social media is the most efficient technique to raise brand recognition.

5. To promote your videos, use blogging tactics

4. A combination of blog and video.jpg

A combination of blog and video

Create a following for your videos on your company's blog. Publish articles where you can use videos to visually illustrate your product or service. Blogs are a great way to get your animated explainers in front of your current audience or customers. This is a two-for-one deal. You may promote video content while also improving the appeal of your blog to the general public.

6. Incorporate a video into your sales pitch.

You might think that making an appeal to your audience to increase sales is the most obvious thing to do. According to Forbes, 58 percent of businesses and customers would rather watch a quick video displaying a company's products and services than listen to long sales pitches.

7. Make an explanatory video and post it on your website.

5. Explainer video should be added to your company website.jpg

An explainer video should be added to your company website

Your website is the first and most important place to post your video. Rather than reading a long amount of text, your website visitors will welcome a short film presenting your products and services. A video on your website adds visual appeal while also providing a brief overview of your services.

Today, video is everywhere, and many marketers are reaping the benefits. You may make a variety of films for efficient marketing that will increase traffic and conversions for your company. Concentrate on your company's strengths and develop ways to demonstrate them to current and potential consumers using video.

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