Store Development Services

Shopify Store Development Services involve creating and customizing online stores on the Shopify platform. This includes setting up the store, designing custom themes, integrating apps, and optimizing the site for performance and user experience. We offers tailored solutions for businesses looking to leverage the full potential of the Shopify platform.
When Merchants Need Shopify Development Services
  • Struggling to create an appealing, user-friendly website that effectively showcases their brand and products. You need a professional design ensures a standout, responsive online store that attracts and retains customers.
  • Facing limitations with standard themes, difficulty aligning themes with brand identity, and lacking technical expertise for effective customization. Customization services provide the flexibility and uniqueness required to stand out in a competitive market.
  • Lacking knowledge to optimize the store for search engines and improve site speed. Technical SEO and performance audits enhance search rankings, mobile optimization, and overall user experience.
  • Needing tailored solutions to automate processes, integrate systems, and enhance store functionality. Custom and headless app development offer highly customized shopping experiences and greater flexibility.
  • Improving site navigation, implementing personalized recommendations, and dynamic content to engage customers and encourage repeat purchases.
  • Accessing ongoing technical support, regular updates, and maintenance to resolve issues quickly and keep the store up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.
Benefits of our Shopify Store Development Services
    What we bring to you

    Professional and Custom Design including visually stunning, custom-designed storefronts and fully responsive for all devices


    Enhanced User Experience with a streamlined, intuitive navigation and optimized for fast load times.


    We perform technical SEO audits and optimizations to improve content visibility and search rankings, driving more organic traffic to your site.


    We offer ongoing maintenance and issue resolution, along with dedicated customer support to ensure your store operates smoothly.


In our portfolio, you'll find how 2B I/O helped online stores with the highest quality services through the customers' successful stories and their testimonials.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does 2B I/O charge for Shopify store development services?

The cost of Shopify store development packages varies depending on the requirements. Our hourly rates begin at $30/hour, and we offer customized pricing packages to meet specific client requirements.

What is the difference between Shopify and Shopify Plus?

Key differences between Shopify and Shopify Plus include the range of features, pricing, and scalability. Shopify Plus provides extra features, Shopify POS Pro, unlimited staff accounts, and up to nine scalable stores, but it comes with a higher cost.

Will 2B I/O provide the project warranty?

Yes, it depends on the project's size, we committed the warranty period such as: 3 months (Project size is less than 20MM); 6 months (Project size is from 20MM to 50MM); 9 months (Project size is from 51MM to 100MM); 12 months (Project size is biggger than 100MM)

How much does Shopify web design cost?

The cost of a Shopify web design project depends on multiple factors, including the complexity of your online store, the features and functionalities you want your store to have, as well as the expertise of the web design agency you hire. Custom eCommerce projects can cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it’s impossible to provide generic estimates.

When do I need the theme customization?

If merchants are facing limitations with standard themes, difficulty aligning themes with brand identity, and lacking technical expertise for effective customization. Customization services provide the flexibility and uniqueness required to stand out in a competitive market.

When do I need to redesign my store?

When you are struggling to create an appealing, user-friendly website that effectively showcases their brand and products. Professional design ensures a standout, responsive online store that attracts and retains customers.

How long does it take for 2B I/O to deliver the live project?

It depends on how many hours we will work on the project after having the estimated cost. Normally we work 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday.

When should I redesign my Shopify Store?

As a general rule of thumb, a website should be redesigned every 2-3 years to keep up with the latest design trends, user behaviour, and search engine algorithms. If your Shopify store's design no longer reflects your brand's values, personality, or messaging, it's time for a redesign to realign with your current brand identity.