5 tips to increase sales in the holiday season

5 tips to increase sales in the holiday season


In 2018, total retail e-commerce sales reached $3 trillion. By 2021, it is expected to reach 3.5 trillion dollars. It's no surprise that the majority of these sales come from the year-end - festive season. In fact, in November and December, e-commerce revenue increases 30% more than the rest of the year - it means your website is the perfect place to start attracting online shoppers.

People don't just visit e-commerce websites to buy goods. They also use e-commerce websites as a portal to research and find information. In 2016, 54% of shoppers started researching unique gift products and ideas around October.

Since 2018, users have had a need for a seamless, cross-channel shopping experience that fully meets both shopping and pre-purchase research needs. Here are 5 ways to deliver that experience to your customers.

Propaganda marketing application

Because the arrival of the festive season means family members are all using advertising, marketing and propaganda can help your brand stand out from the competition. There are several ways of using propaganda marketing to increase e-commerce sales, but when it comes to boosting sales on the occasion.

Propaganda marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on getting existing customers to talk about the company and its products. More than 80% of shoppers do research online before buying, so having your customers openly support your product can be of great help to your brand.

Previously, customer journeys took place in many different marketing platforms, but now most of them happen on social media, namely Facebook - a platform that is familiar to everyone. So chatbot applications can be a great choice to support propaganda marketing campaigns.

Make sure your website is ready for the holiday season

It's never too early to start your website. During Black Friday 2019, 42% of shoppers gave up long lines and clutter at stores and instead went to websites to make a purchase. After Cyber ​​Monday, more than 58 million people did so.

In fact, during this time, one-second delay of your website can cause a sales down at 2.8%. Customers are more likely to jump to a competitor's site if yours is slow or not loading.

Make sure your website is ready for massive traffic and spikes to avoid losing ecommerce sales.

Conducting stress tests, updating software and hardware and ensuring that your security certificate is valid and up-to-date will enhance the customer experience and increase consumer confidence in the merchant. your mark. Optimizing your website is one of the most important things you can do to help increase ecommerce sales.

Create holiday-themed content

This is the season of giving, so spread some fun with holiday-themed content. Holiday-themed content is the perfect way to send messages to your customers, reaching out to their emotions means you have 80% of your winnings.

Furthermore, customers have recognized that they appreciate when brands take the time to send some holiday fun into their marketing campaigns. Black Friday themed emails generate 33% higher conversion rates than SMS messages. Think about the conversion rate you'll get when you apply this texting using chatbot Messenger instead of the usual way.

Gift guides, decorating tips and facts about holiday history are a few good ideas for blog posts. Topical blog posts are a fun way to drive traffic to your website as well as educate your audience.

Remember, holiday shopping doesn't happen on a single holiday. Your client had planned their holiday gift purchase long beforehand. The sooner you publish your themed content, the sooner you can start driving holiday sales.

Mobile experience first

In 2017, total mobile revenue reached $ 35.8 billion in November and December. Although 56% of traffic came from mobile phones, only 33% of all revenue was generated from mobile. So why aren't so many mobile buyers?

Many websites fail to realize the importance of mobile devices and do not optimize their website accordingly. The ideal user experience means having a website that is simple, easy to use, easy to navigate, and as good a phone experience as it is on a tablet.

If you are not sure if your site is mobile ready, unplug your phone now and take a quick overview of your website. This will give you some idea of ​​what you want as a customer. Some things to do on your mobile website are:

  • Synchronize branding elements like your website on your computer
  • Reduce the amount of unnecessary text
  • Avoid pop-ups
  • Provides a full site option
  • Zoom in the search bar to make it easier to find

But the best tip we can do to increase mobile ecommerce sales is to keep things simple!


The Internet has given us a new (and better) way of life. But we lost some of the things that we used to love from traditional stores. Friendly greetings, personal help and the feeling that a brand understands our individual needs.

This year give your customers a personalized gift to boost e-commerce sales.

Customers are 4 times more likely to reply to a message with a personalized offer. 49% of customers expect communication related to their interests. Create a unique experience for your customers this holiday season with chatbot in a number of ways such as:

  • Personal gift guide
  • Offer personalized offers like 20% discount or free shipping
  • Grateful to loyal customers
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